Friday, December 29, 2017


by LaRue Watts

I won't tag it Sleepy or Bashful or Doc.
And Sneezy or Grumpy would make people talk.
Not Dopey. Too silly. It simply won't do,
So wishing what's left....Happy New Year to you!

Friday, December 22, 2017


by LaRue Watts

If it could be Christmas the whole year through,
If it could be Christmas again with you,
I'd savor each moment as it flew by
And laugh without reason nor knowing why.
I'd give till my heart could give no more
And not even question what lay in store.
With no complaints and no remorse
I'd revel in our charted course.
We lived a life so full of mirth
That it was heaven here on earth.
Now, heaven's angels, or so it seems,
Appear beside you in my dreams
They bring me a Christmas again with you
They sing me of Christmas the whole year through.
How blessed is this silent night
When you and I again take flight
With angels through uncharted skies
Where joy and Christmas never dies.

Saturday, November 18, 2017


by LaRue Watts

The things I have, I do not praise
Though it's a worthy lot.
Instead, I live my waning days
With thanks for all I'm not.
I'm not alone. My blessings pull
Me far from feeling sad
And I'm content. My life is full
Because of what I had.
But should there be an Autumn frost,
My remedy rings true.
I'll kindle fire from all I've lost
With his smile shining through.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


 by LaRue Watts                                                                                                                                                                             

It began to rain as we left the store
And his umbrella sheltered me.
"How are you doing?" touched my core
And I replied "I'm fine, you see,
I cope each day as best I can.
I lost my love two weeks ago."
He gasped and said "I'm sorry, man."
And I could tell he felt it, so
He put the groceries in the back
Then turned and touched my cheek.
We had a moment, looking back,
I knew we should not speak.
This kid had somehow understood
What was and is my pain.
I watched and knew his heart was good.
As he left 'mongst the rain.
There may be sadder days ahead
And that may be my lot.
But I'll recall until I'm dead.
Crying in a parking lot
And how a young man touched my heart
With one kind word or two.
That made me feel that I should start
To live again, renew.
As I drove home, the raindrops ceased.
The teardrops left my eyes.
And it was good, to say the least,
With rainbows in my skies.

Saturday, October 21, 2017


by LaRue Watts

Though Dracula and Frankenstein
Were not exactly friends of mine
And Mummies from some ancient tomb
Were seldom seen within my room,
I feared no Wolfman, Jekyll/Hyde
For they were never by my side.
And yet, that night filled me with dread
Of monsters underneath my bed
The creepy crawly unknown things
With glowing eyes and bat-like wings.
Imagination at its best
Would always give me little rest.
But now I'm grown and know instead
There are no monsters 'neath my bed.
Where they reside we all know well,
Is Washington, that living hell.
They drain our blood just like a bat.
And I do not imagine that.
The evil ones are very mean,
Appropriate for Halloween.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


by LaRue Watts

Thus far, the Fall is appalling and Christmas may be just as bad
I wish I felt less of the calling to cry and mourn over the lad.
Continue to cope, there's no need to mope, I tell myself "Let your heart sing."
And then the tears rise and fall from my eyes.  Perhaps, I'll be better by Spring.

Friday, October 6, 2017


by LaRue Watts

He was my day.
He was my night.
He was my gray.
He was my bright.
He was my wrong.
He was my right.
He was my song.
He was my sight.

He was my love.
He was my hate.
He was my shove.
He was my wait.
He was my sad.
He was my glee
He was my mad.
He was my spree.

He was my hope.
He was my peer.
He was my dope.
He was my dear.
He was my stop.
He was my start.
He was my prop
He was my heart.

He was my win.
He was my loss.
He was my sin.
He was my cross.
He was my rise.
He was my fall.
He was my eyes.
He was my all!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


by LaRue Watts

A duck and a cat went out for a walk
To just be together with no need to talk.
The silence spoke loudly though nothing was heard
For friendship and loving do not need a word.
Not a mew, not a quack, just the sound of webbed feet
And the patter of paws on the road, on the street.
But paying attention, and listening well
You may hear their hearts sing as clear as a bell.

Monday, October 2, 2017


by LaRue Watts

It wasn't a crash but more like a thud,
As if a large rock had been thrown into mud.
And as my car lurched, flipping onto it's side
It morphed to a slow-motion Disneyland ride.

I could see a small crowd outside my cocoon
A young man said "Help will be here real soon."
I gave a "thumbs up" and a smile crossed his face.
Then I waited as time moved at snail shifting pace.

Once medics, police knew what was about,
My hatchback gave birth as they pulled me out.
And back on firm ground and feeling no pain.
The skies opened up and it started to rain.

The light rain refreshed me and made me aware
That fate can be cruel but fate can be fair.
And that is the story of one piece in time,
When fate chose deliverance that I may write rhyme.

Friday, September 15, 2017


by LaRue Watts

The condo men in bonding mode
Are telling tales of how they rode
Relentless winds that came along
And sang a deadly Siren's song.
Their wives are more concerned with need,
Electric, water, mouths to feed.
The children celebrate their way.
No school for them, again today.

The fallen trees are all around
With roots torn out of soggy ground.
And flooded streets are not the norm
But have been ever since the storm.
All crossroads are a four-way stop.
At some of them, a friendly cop.
While gas is still a driver's dream,
The trucks are coming, it would seem.

When normal days return again,
Will tales expand from condo men?
Those lucky ones will often tell
About that night of living hell.
It was a time to not go through
And yet we did.  Because of you
I found the nerve to struggle on
Remembering a brighter dawn
In darkest times, I never planned,
I found a light within your hand.
And with that comfort all along
I  knew we'd come through, Naples strong!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


by LaRue Watts

We placed a pallet on the floor
Within a safe room, just one door.
No windows that might break or shatter
And there we stayed throughout the clatter.

It soon became a place of prayer
With howling winds from everywhere.
Our cat would join in, now and then
A howl? Or was it an "Amen."

The cell phone was our only link
With what was Naples on the brink.
"The worst is over" said the voice
And so we made another choice.

We ventured out to see what was
While fearing for the worst because
Of all the noise and havoc wrought
But all our fears had been for naught.

No damage to our living space
What joy will now fill up the place!
The nightmare still had plans to share,
A day of unconditioned air.

It lasted a full twenty-four
With sweat exuding every pore.
At last, a break, electric on
The battle now was surely won.

And in reflection, friends who care
Gave Him the strength to answer prayer.

Sunday, September 3, 2017


by LaRue Watts

We all have days when the sun won't shine
And storm clouds will assail us.
But I find rain is just a sign
Tomorrow will not fail us.

To get through life with ups and downs
No matter how one's pain grows
When smiling skies show only frowns,
You must remember rainbows.

Monday, August 14, 2017


by LaRue Watts

Some say climate change is fake
I have quite a different take.
No, fragile.

An o-zone hole is just a ruse
To blame emissions. Lame excuse?
No, fragile.

A fact can be an awful thing.
Denying isn't smart.
So stand and let your voices sing
A love song from your heart.
This earth we love is what we leave
The future generations
And that's a fact you must believe
To save our dying nations.
So let us hope that some day we
Can face our world and  finally see
No fragile.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


by LaRue Watts

I've no regrets for loves gone by
Or most mistakes I've made.
My unkind words (no reason why)
Contain the dues I've paid.

I don't regret the weight I've lost
Or any that I've gained.
My life goes on at any cost
Though parts of it are stained.

I've no regrets for fools I've snubbed
Or suffered not at all.
I do not rue those lamps unrubbed
Or heedless "beck and call."

I need no reason to regret
The fears I've overcome
For every sun will one day set.
And every joy grow numb.

If I must choose my one regret
And dare I be so bold?
I cannot walk a dog, a pet
Because, alas, I'm old.

Saturday, August 5, 2017


by LaRue Watts

What do I like?  If you insist,
I offer you this partial list.
I like Sal and Kit and Holly.
I like Midler doing "Dolly,"
Connie, Lori, Clair and Joe,
Leon, Denis, Mark and Mo, 
I Like Susie Rosabella.
Act two of "Most Happy Fella."
Jeannie, Alex, Bill and Zach,
Beth, the best of one Wulf pack,
Kansas Sumner County Fair,
Gina who takes care of hair,
I like Allison and Lynn,
Any kind of country inn,
Kurt, who's Erwin Giesemann (Third),
Any Striesand ever heard,
The Warning clan and those they wed,
Rock and Roll's The Grateful Dead,
Parker, Chuck and dear Diane,
Disney's classic "Peter Pan,"
Caren, Gaile from college days.
Baseball teams with Willy Mays.
John, Marlene, (she's my muse)
Cousin Judy, (my good news)
Richard, Laurie, Jeri, Matt,
And their offspring and my cat,
Cans that have a pull-tab top.
I like Sandy, she's a cop.
I like Rice, a family name.
Next up? Midler doing "Mame?"
Struble, Murff, Bobek, Jayroe.
How much further should I go?
Linda Meade and Susan Druss.
Gee, I am a lucky cuss.
All these "likes."  Did I miss you?
Wait till you read Chapter two.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


by LaRue Watts

Popcorn balls at Halloween when candy wasn't wrapped.
Cooking in the oven when dinner wasn't zapped.
"Chivarees" for newly weds.
Castor oil, the worst of meds.
Is it me or do we both remember?

Telephones you had to crank to get your "party" line.
Grape juice at communion and they told you it was wine.
Radio on Sunday night
Windy days to fly a kite.
Is it me or do we both remember?

Double feature picture shows with news and a cartoon.
Serials like "Radar Men" arriving from the moon.
Garden picking when they're ripe.
Out at midnight, hunting Snipe.
Wash "rags," not a Handi-wipe.

Catching fireflies, punching holes into lids of jars.
Chocolate candy cigarettes and bubble gum cigars.
That first crush that got you kissed.
Oh, the days that now are missed.
April reminiscences lie sweetly in December.
Is it me or do we both remember?

Saturday, July 22, 2017


by LaRue Watts

If anyone passes chocolates around,
I automatically put on a pound.
But why?

Whenever I'm dying for that special plate,
They've sold the last order and I am too late.
But why?

If I get too cold, I'll soon be too warm.
The picnic is planned and here comes the storm.
But why?

I have a few hairs growing out of my ears
And laughing too hard can bring me to tears.
But why?

I guess it's a fact and not just a rumor
That God in his wisdom has some sense of humor.
But why?

Saturday, July 15, 2017


by LaRue Watts

For every King Kong
There's been a Fay Wray.
For ever sad song,
A glad roundelay.
I wonder if someone has planned it that way.

For every tight shoe
There's barefoot delight.
For every J. Crew,
A Wal-Mart's in sight.
I wonder if someone has planned day and night.

When nightmares abound, can't sweet dreams be due?
If sorrow's around, then happy is too.
Whatever is old can still become new.

Each game when you've won it,
Had losses before.
And every old bonnet,
Knows Easter's in store.
We must realize that less can be more.

Each fork has a spoon. Each heartbreak, some fun.
So ask for the moon for your place in the sun.
It all will work out within the long run.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


by LaRue Watts

I was but a child of five,
When tragedy struck home.
"Your son, I fear may not survive,"
They told Dad on the phone.
My teenage brother was run down
As he had crossed the street.
It happened in another town
Where he had gone to meet
Some friends and see a "picture show,"
The name of which I do not know.

So I was taken from my bed
And still asleep, I'm told,
As parents left me, facing dread
For what their night would hold.

I wakened in Aunt Grace's arms
Where Mom and Dad had placed me.
She calmed my childish fear-alarms
And all the doubts that chased me.
What do you tell a frightened tot
To ease their troubled mind?
My Aunt, without a second thought
Had found a way, so kind.
"Don't whimper. I've the perfect fix.
Just try to think of baby chicks".

And to this day in search of sleep
I count my chicks instead of sheep.

My parents now are with their son
All things must end I fear.
But I recall the night I won
Sweet sleep from brother dear.

Thursday, June 29, 2017


by LaRue Watts

Bombs bursting in air with sparkling display
Instills only fear in the cat.
She's under the bed away from the fray
And wanting no part of all that.
Her fourth of July is something to fear;
With brimstone and fire, she is miffed.
So, taking her time, she may reappear
But not until it is the fifth.
Understand that this kitty is never confused
And therefore contented to be
A "fraidy-cat" pet not the least bit amused
By the joys of our earned liberty.
That feeling, quite simply, is old hat to her.
She relishes it every day
And, thus if she pleases, she'll give you a purr
When fireworks and noise go away.

Thursday, June 15, 2017


by LaRue Watts

A crazy madman had a gun
And shot some people just for fun.
"If others had been armed," they say,
"It would have been a different day."
So when we each have pulled a gun
And aimed at someone on the run,
I wonder what police will do
When they find all of us in view
With firearms blazing in defense.
It really doesn't make much sense.
To me, the argument is moot.
Upon that scene, who would you shoot? 
In one split second, are you wise
To which ones are the righteous guys?

Friday, June 2, 2017


by LaRue Watts

Have I known you forever
Or maybe just some years?
I know we both have clever
Ways to try to hide our tears.
But also with our laughing gift
We make each other smile.
We never seem to need a lift
To go that extra mile.
So when you ever need me,
I'm at your beck and call
To go where e'er you'll lead me
And offer you my all.
In turn, I have a special space
That's just for you assigned. 
It lies within that resting placed
Oasis of my mind.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


by LaRue Watts

For most of my life, I've been on a quest.
For what, I was not sure.
I knew that the heart beating in my chest
Endeavored to be pure;
To only see the good in those
Who chose to come my way.
For every thorn, there is a rose.
That's bound to bloom one day.
So when I found the loving tree
I thought my quest was done
For somewhere in the "you and me,"
We merged becoming one,
And yet, I feel I somehow knew
The quest was so much more.
The things I'd hoped for "me and you"
Were wonders still in store
In truth, you made the answer plain
As sunshine in the skies
As clear as day and right as rain
When seen with both our eyes.
It wasn't only love I sought;
I now know I was after
That miracle to me you brought
A tree with leaves of laughter.


Sunday, April 23, 2017


by LaRue Watts

I guess I'm of a "certain" age
Which means I'm rather old.
As I approach my final page,
My bio I unfold.
I grew up as a happy child,
Was carefree as a teen,
In young adulthood I was wild
And in the "hippie" scene.
By middle-age, I  mellowed out
But still had random hopes
Of living like a roustabout
And pulling circus ropes.
The sands flow swiftly in the glass
And it was not to be.
So there it is, "Alack," "Alas"
And also "Woe is me."
Some dreams I never did attain
Although I did my best.
They'll still play havoc in my brain
Until I'm laid to rest.
But as for now, it's day to day,
Await the final curtain.
Be happy for the "Come what may"
For such is life, I'm certain.
And I am of a "certain" age.
Have all my songs been sung?
How do you find that early page
And be forever young?

Thursday, April 20, 2017


by LaRue Watts

I know some things are meant to be.
The Gods above arrange it,
Thus, he and she were sent to see
The world and somehow change it.
At first, in movies, they both grew
And klieg lights filled their skies.
They showed us life we never knew
Reflected in their eyes.
Hers, a hazel shade of green
And his, a steely blue.
But oh, the colors on that screen
When they came into view.
While fame is fleeting at it's best,
They both were on to that
And so they chose to meet the test
And don a different hat.
They took up causes, charities
To whom they'd freely give
And few were the disparities
In how they chose to live.
A star is meant to shine a light
Within the darkest dark
These stars took up that noble fight
And truly made a mark.
They turned a spark into a flame
To help there fellow man.
I would, we all could do the same
As Paul and his Joanne.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


by LaRue Watts

There are some days I wake depressed
Without an urge for "up and dressed."
The ceiling fan, my morning friend
Spins thoughts for me that may impend
A sense of doom and dire days,
Filled up with gloom, that hellish haze.
I ponder what the day will bring
When 'neath my window, no birds sing.
There are some days I'm so forlorn
That dreams, asunder have been torn.
I lie in bed and curse my fate
And long to visit heaven's gate.
And yet, how bad the day may seem,
It starts to wane with some caffeine
Then, suddenly I've naught to lose
As coffee cures those morning blues
And sunshine showers me with rays.
'Tis here... one of those other days!

Thursday, April 13, 2017


by LaRue Watts

He is risen!  Shout it out!
Let all your voices sing!
His Easter shadow is about.
So celebrate His Spring,
That joy, a new beginning,
The start of some new story,
A prelude to our winning
The power of His glory.
When love lies deep within our hearts,
It aches to be released.
Who takes a chance on second starts
Will see that love increased.
Then, duty says we share this bliss
And spread it far and wide
Perchance a hug, perhaps a kiss
Each one can turn a tide,
Deliver us from hating
And cure our ills and woes.
So, therefore, I am stating
What everybody knows.....
Beneath the shadow of the Son,
We are what God has made.
Until our life on earth is done
Take comfort is his shade.

Monday, April 10, 2017


by LaRue Watts

There's now a pill for every ill, my TV says these days
They have those names that sound so odd, Entresto and Flonase.
And Jardiance, Trulicity and others of that sort
Are peddled to the masses right along with Symbicort.
But "Caveat emptor," to you for there are side effects
Like nausea, a rash or chills and loss of wanting sex.
A fever, dehydration or drowsiness as well
Can make the cure, I'm almost sure seem like a living hell.
The worst of these (along with death) is uncontrolling poop.
So I, for one, will stick with mom and just have chicken soup.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


by LaRue Watts

I miss TV from days gone by.
When I was just a sprout.
Permit me now, to tell you why
If there was any doubt.....
Sullivan on Sunday night,
Mouseketeers each day,
Everything was black and white
And simpler, I would say.
When Roy and Dale sang "Happy Trails"
I longed to be out west.
My dreams were filled with fairy tales
From Disney at his best.
I laughed at Benny, Gleason, too,
The Nelsons and the Beav
And everything from DesiLu
Was easy to believe.
"I've Got a Secret?" It was fun
To watch the panel guess
And "Wagon Train" had quite a run.
I watched it, I confess.
"To Tell The Truth" and "Surfside Six"
Were others I recall,
It was a rather special mix
Of new shows every fall.
Then, color came and I was game.
The peacock network grew. 
Alas, today, it's not the same
Though beautiful to view.
Reality has now become
My fantasies of yore.
The "Housewives" and "Survivors" numb
And Opie is no more.
Kardashians are now the boss
Of what's on my TV.
But aren't we all at such a loss
From how things used to be?

Thursday, March 30, 2017


by LaRue Watts

When I was a child we feared each summer storm.
Tornados called twisters were sometimes the norm.
And tongue twisters could be a bit of a chore.
With "She selling seashells down by the shore."
In college, a parlor game...spots on a sheet
Had choices for placement of both hands and feet.
Still later a dance called the twist was the craze.
So twisters have been with us numerous ways.
But lately, it seems there's a new one to add.
To my way of thinking, decidedly bad.
The twisters of truth, the out and out lie
Can cause more destruction than those from the sky.
We must be alert to this villainous strain
Or there'll be no rainbow after this reign.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


by LaRue Watts

Everything changes.  Everything grows.
Seed becomes stem becomes bud becomes rose.
Rose becomes briar and so on it goes.
Everything, everything changes.

But changes can also be all for the best
If you put what's behind you, at long last, to rest.
Come into your own.  Make time for a quest.
Everything, everything changes.

Come out,
Out of the dark.
Look for a spark.
Come out.

Come to,
Coping anew.
Hoping for you.
Come to.

Come up,
Up to the skies,
Up for a prize.
Come up.

Come on,
On with a flair,
Double down dare.
Come on.

Come true.
Make your debut.
Miracle's do
Come true.

Come in,
Into the fold.
Be big and bold.
Come in.

Come through,
Finding your stride,
On for the ride.
Come through.

Everything changes.  Everything should.
Standing in place only shows where you stood.
You have to evolve to do anything good.
Everything, everything changes.

Monday, March 27, 2017


by LaRue Watts

The clown, in the classical sense of the word
Has a laughing face.
He mirrors the madness that may have occurred
In the human race.
Well, I'm
A master of mime.
Look at me.
What do you see?
A prisoner of paint?
A saw-dusted saint?
A babe who was born to be me?

The clown, in the classical sense of the word
May be bold or shy.
He delights in deciding the world is absurd
As a custard pie.
Well, I'm
A master of mime.
Look around.
What have you found?
A champion of chintz?
A prat-falling prince?
A stilted boy high off the ground?

The clown, the sculptor shaping the clay,
Turning tears into toys made of papier mache.
But what if my touch becomes a touche.
And my smile morphs into a frown?
Will you still see in me, the clown?

The clown, in the classical sense of the word
Cannot ever cry.
Without his emotions defined and deferred,
He would surely die.
Yes, I'm
A master of mime.
Look at me.
What do you see?
Some devilish dunce with dependable wit?
A man doing stunts other men won't forget?
While others may laugh, I have to admit
It is freeing
In being
The clown.

Saturday, March 25, 2017


by LaRue Watts

In each bag of peanuts, a circus is living.
Pecan pie can polish off any Thanksgiving.
Without walnut pieces, a Waldorf is dead.
Try pine nuts on pizza with sauce, white or red.
While roasting of chestnuts lend Yuletide some crunch
And almonds bring joy to the candy bar bunch,
Brazils and the lychee nuts both aim to please.
But cashews to me sound like some sort of sneeze.
I'm sure that sweet hazel was named for a maid
And Coke shows that kola nuts can make the grade.
So set free pistachios out of their shell.
Salute macadamia's tropical spell,
For nuts are the best and quite healthy. it's true,
But my favorite nuts are still just me and you!

But my favorite nuts are just me and you.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


By LaRue Watts

We could use a little rain.
We could use an April shower.
Any rain that will restrain this bane, I deign
Should be here within the hour.

We could use a little storm.
Darker clouds would be relieving
Plus a storm would really warm the former norm
That I had when I was breathing.

We would really benefit
If a hurricane should hit.
We could surely have it made
If you'd rain on my crusade.
I'd adore to see a squall.
Nothing long.  You needn't time it.
Any squall that could forestall it all, some call
An appalling change of climate.
We could use a little rain.
Any pouring-down'll  do
My dear Lord, it's up to you.
We are near "Auf widersehen."

We would really be attuned
To a tidal wave typhoon.
We're a cinch to say "Amen"
When you drench us to the skin.
We'd adore one little drop
For out quota's not at yearly.
Any drop that's gonna plop will stop yon fop
From igniting yours sincerely.

Lord, give a little spritz.
Open up your heart and show a
Faith in me, the shoe that fits,
Let me be another Noah.

We could use a little rain.
We would settle for a sprinkle
And I hope I'm not a pain
But I'm much to scared to tinkle
Though I'm normally a drain.
We could use a little rain.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


by LaRue Watts

We were a pair for many years.
The number? Forty-four.
We had our laughs. We had our tears,
Domestic peace and war.
We made a stir and scaled some heights
But avalanched back down
Then, rose undaunted by the fights
And re-attained the crown.
While some days whimpered, some days roared.
I'd hope t'would never cease.
We lived the life we could afford:
Domestic war and peace.
Yet, there are things I truly rue
Within our ebb and flow,
The quiet days he never knew
How much I loved him so.

Monday, March 13, 2017


by LaRue Watts

At the end of the rainbow, believe it or not,
There's corned beef and cabbage inside of that pot.
With soda bread baking and Guinness on ice,
A leprechaun's waiting to hand out advice
To each bonnie lad and every colleen,
"Remember St. Patrick.  Go bragh and go green."
May shamrocks, shillelaghs, shenanigans, too
Bring just a wee bit of old Ireland to you.

Saturday, March 11, 2017


by LaRue Watts

I'll soon be in the dark again,
So lost, I must resign
To living just like other men
In Daylight Savings Time.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


By LaRue Watts

As Winter's chill begins to thaw,
And stormy winds are not as raw,
My heartbeat quickens and I long
To hear that early bird in song.
I wait for buds to show that life
Will soon relieve my daily strife.
And bursting forth within my reach.
The tree will cry to me...I'm peach.
One further note within this rhyme:
Make that impeach instead of I'm.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


by LaRue Watts

If we believe that Shakespeare line,
"To thine own self be true,"
Then I am my own Valentine
And you belong to you.
But that can never, ever be
For I am you and you are me.
The two of us have surely shown
That we define "to each his own."
Thy heart and soul entwine with mine,
And we are one, my Valentine.
