Tuesday, April 18, 2017


by LaRue Watts

There are some days I wake depressed
Without an urge for "up and dressed."
The ceiling fan, my morning friend
Spins thoughts for me that may impend
A sense of doom and dire days,
Filled up with gloom, that hellish haze.
I ponder what the day will bring
When 'neath my window, no birds sing.
There are some days I'm so forlorn
That dreams, asunder have been torn.
I lie in bed and curse my fate
And long to visit heaven's gate.
And yet, how bad the day may seem,
It starts to wane with some caffeine
Then, suddenly I've naught to lose
As coffee cures those morning blues
And sunshine showers me with rays.
'Tis here... one of those other days!

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