Thursday, April 20, 2017


by LaRue Watts

I know some things are meant to be.
The Gods above arrange it,
Thus, he and she were sent to see
The world and somehow change it.
At first, in movies, they both grew
And klieg lights filled their skies.
They showed us life we never knew
Reflected in their eyes.
Hers, a hazel shade of green
And his, a steely blue.
But oh, the colors on that screen
When they came into view.
While fame is fleeting at it's best,
They both were on to that
And so they chose to meet the test
And don a different hat.
They took up causes, charities
To whom they'd freely give
And few were the disparities
In how they chose to live.
A star is meant to shine a light
Within the darkest dark
These stars took up that noble fight
And truly made a mark.
They turned a spark into a flame
To help there fellow man.
I would, we all could do the same
As Paul and his Joanne.

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