Sunday, April 23, 2017


by LaRue Watts

I guess I'm of a "certain" age
Which means I'm rather old.
As I approach my final page,
My bio I unfold.
I grew up as a happy child,
Was carefree as a teen,
In young adulthood I was wild
And in the "hippie" scene.
By middle-age, I  mellowed out
But still had random hopes
Of living like a roustabout
And pulling circus ropes.
The sands flow swiftly in the glass
And it was not to be.
So there it is, "Alack," "Alas"
And also "Woe is me."
Some dreams I never did attain
Although I did my best.
They'll still play havoc in my brain
Until I'm laid to rest.
But as for now, it's day to day,
Await the final curtain.
Be happy for the "Come what may"
For such is life, I'm certain.
And I am of a "certain" age.
Have all my songs been sung?
How do you find that early page
And be forever young?

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