Wednesday, September 13, 2017


by LaRue Watts

We placed a pallet on the floor
Within a safe room, just one door.
No windows that might break or shatter
And there we stayed throughout the clatter.

It soon became a place of prayer
With howling winds from everywhere.
Our cat would join in, now and then
A howl? Or was it an "Amen."

The cell phone was our only link
With what was Naples on the brink.
"The worst is over" said the voice
And so we made another choice.

We ventured out to see what was
While fearing for the worst because
Of all the noise and havoc wrought
But all our fears had been for naught.

No damage to our living space
What joy will now fill up the place!
The nightmare still had plans to share,
A day of unconditioned air.

It lasted a full twenty-four
With sweat exuding every pore.
At last, a break, electric on
The battle now was surely won.

And in reflection, friends who care
Gave Him the strength to answer prayer.

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