Thursday, April 13, 2017


by LaRue Watts

He is risen!  Shout it out!
Let all your voices sing!
His Easter shadow is about.
So celebrate His Spring,
That joy, a new beginning,
The start of some new story,
A prelude to our winning
The power of His glory.
When love lies deep within our hearts,
It aches to be released.
Who takes a chance on second starts
Will see that love increased.
Then, duty says we share this bliss
And spread it far and wide
Perchance a hug, perhaps a kiss
Each one can turn a tide,
Deliver us from hating
And cure our ills and woes.
So, therefore, I am stating
What everybody knows.....
Beneath the shadow of the Son,
We are what God has made.
Until our life on earth is done
Take comfort is his shade.

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