Monday, October 2, 2017


by LaRue Watts

It wasn't a crash but more like a thud,
As if a large rock had been thrown into mud.
And as my car lurched, flipping onto it's side
It morphed to a slow-motion Disneyland ride.

I could see a small crowd outside my cocoon
A young man said "Help will be here real soon."
I gave a "thumbs up" and a smile crossed his face.
Then I waited as time moved at snail shifting pace.

Once medics, police knew what was about,
My hatchback gave birth as they pulled me out.
And back on firm ground and feeling no pain.
The skies opened up and it started to rain.

The light rain refreshed me and made me aware
That fate can be cruel but fate can be fair.
And that is the story of one piece in time,
When fate chose deliverance that I may write rhyme.

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