Sunday, April 23, 2017


by LaRue Watts

I guess I'm of a "certain" age
Which means I'm rather old.
As I approach my final page,
My bio I unfold.
I grew up as a happy child,
Was carefree as a teen,
In young adulthood I was wild
And in the "hippie" scene.
By middle-age, I  mellowed out
But still had random hopes
Of living like a roustabout
And pulling circus ropes.
The sands flow swiftly in the glass
And it was not to be.
So there it is, "Alack," "Alas"
And also "Woe is me."
Some dreams I never did attain
Although I did my best.
They'll still play havoc in my brain
Until I'm laid to rest.
But as for now, it's day to day,
Await the final curtain.
Be happy for the "Come what may"
For such is life, I'm certain.
And I am of a "certain" age.
Have all my songs been sung?
How do you find that early page
And be forever young?

Thursday, April 20, 2017


by LaRue Watts

I know some things are meant to be.
The Gods above arrange it,
Thus, he and she were sent to see
The world and somehow change it.
At first, in movies, they both grew
And klieg lights filled their skies.
They showed us life we never knew
Reflected in their eyes.
Hers, a hazel shade of green
And his, a steely blue.
But oh, the colors on that screen
When they came into view.
While fame is fleeting at it's best,
They both were on to that
And so they chose to meet the test
And don a different hat.
They took up causes, charities
To whom they'd freely give
And few were the disparities
In how they chose to live.
A star is meant to shine a light
Within the darkest dark
These stars took up that noble fight
And truly made a mark.
They turned a spark into a flame
To help there fellow man.
I would, we all could do the same
As Paul and his Joanne.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


by LaRue Watts

There are some days I wake depressed
Without an urge for "up and dressed."
The ceiling fan, my morning friend
Spins thoughts for me that may impend
A sense of doom and dire days,
Filled up with gloom, that hellish haze.
I ponder what the day will bring
When 'neath my window, no birds sing.
There are some days I'm so forlorn
That dreams, asunder have been torn.
I lie in bed and curse my fate
And long to visit heaven's gate.
And yet, how bad the day may seem,
It starts to wane with some caffeine
Then, suddenly I've naught to lose
As coffee cures those morning blues
And sunshine showers me with rays.
'Tis here... one of those other days!

Thursday, April 13, 2017


by LaRue Watts

He is risen!  Shout it out!
Let all your voices sing!
His Easter shadow is about.
So celebrate His Spring,
That joy, a new beginning,
The start of some new story,
A prelude to our winning
The power of His glory.
When love lies deep within our hearts,
It aches to be released.
Who takes a chance on second starts
Will see that love increased.
Then, duty says we share this bliss
And spread it far and wide
Perchance a hug, perhaps a kiss
Each one can turn a tide,
Deliver us from hating
And cure our ills and woes.
So, therefore, I am stating
What everybody knows.....
Beneath the shadow of the Son,
We are what God has made.
Until our life on earth is done
Take comfort is his shade.

Monday, April 10, 2017


by LaRue Watts

There's now a pill for every ill, my TV says these days
They have those names that sound so odd, Entresto and Flonase.
And Jardiance, Trulicity and others of that sort
Are peddled to the masses right along with Symbicort.
But "Caveat emptor," to you for there are side effects
Like nausea, a rash or chills and loss of wanting sex.
A fever, dehydration or drowsiness as well
Can make the cure, I'm almost sure seem like a living hell.
The worst of these (along with death) is uncontrolling poop.
So I, for one, will stick with mom and just have chicken soup.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


by LaRue Watts

I miss TV from days gone by.
When I was just a sprout.
Permit me now, to tell you why
If there was any doubt.....
Sullivan on Sunday night,
Mouseketeers each day,
Everything was black and white
And simpler, I would say.
When Roy and Dale sang "Happy Trails"
I longed to be out west.
My dreams were filled with fairy tales
From Disney at his best.
I laughed at Benny, Gleason, too,
The Nelsons and the Beav
And everything from DesiLu
Was easy to believe.
"I've Got a Secret?" It was fun
To watch the panel guess
And "Wagon Train" had quite a run.
I watched it, I confess.
"To Tell The Truth" and "Surfside Six"
Were others I recall,
It was a rather special mix
Of new shows every fall.
Then, color came and I was game.
The peacock network grew. 
Alas, today, it's not the same
Though beautiful to view.
Reality has now become
My fantasies of yore.
The "Housewives" and "Survivors" numb
And Opie is no more.
Kardashians are now the boss
Of what's on my TV.
But aren't we all at such a loss
From how things used to be?