Monday, July 25, 2016


by LaRue Watts

There was a girl that I once knew
Though not in 1922.
Back then with her Rapunzel hair
I'm sure that folks would stop and stare
And wonder how it got so long
Or was it brittle?  Was it strong?
I like to think she'd only smile
And knew she was a special child.
Her gifts were loving, being true.
And with a secret dream or two
That she would whisper to her doll
Who never told and kept them all,
She live and loved her childhood joy,
Until one day she loved a boy.
The two were wed and raised three more
And weathered storms that were in store.
They lost one son, one tragic night
But still her love stayed ever bright,
Remaining so throughout her life
As child, as mother, loving wife.
I know not what she called her doll
Or if she had another.
I know she taught me love is all.
That doll, I call my mother.


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