Sunday, July 24, 2016


by LaRue Watts

I knew somehow this day would come
But even so, I ache.
By writing this, I'm feeling numb,
My heart about to break.
I try to dwell on happy days
When we were both so young
And all ahead was still a haze
Of many songs unsung.
We children played and dreamed our dreams
And grew close like no other.
He was my cousin, though it seems
He felt more like my brother.
He always kept me on my toes
And did so with great wit.
He has it still and heaven knows
It is a lovely fit.
Alas, our God has called him home
But there is no grim reaper.
He'll have to smile because Jerome
Has been his brother's keeper.
So comfort me with no sad songs
But give him hymns of praise.
Through all my rights and all my wrongs,
He gave me golden days.

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