Sunday, July 24, 2016


by LaRue Watts

The other day I lost my smile.
I hadn't had it for a while.
I've searched for it, both high and low
And pondered where my smile would go.
It always seemed at home with me
Without a need for running free.
But now, it's gone.  I don't know why
Should sadness overflow my eye?
My smile is gone.  What's that you say?
I simply gave my smile away?
Oh, pin a rose on my lapel.
My smile is gone and where it fell
Was back with you.  'Twas meant to be.
For that's the smile you gave to me.
And now, we two are duty bound
To pass that friendly smile around.
It's only ours if we but use it,
And oh, the joy when we can lose it!

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