Friday, July 29, 2016


by LaRue Watts

I now find out, in my research,
I loved the movies more than church.
Garbo, Crawford, Davis, Gable,
Hayworth, Cooper, Flynn and Grable;
All were Gods in my young mind.
I love them still and often find
Some solace in those icons, dear
That thrilled this child in yesteryear
With happy endings as a norm.
Those feelings left me cozy warm.
Cagney, Bogie and Bacall
Were in my dreams when dreams were all.
Garland, Kelly and the rest
Could make me feel that I was blessed.
Now, newer stars have joined their ranks,
Streep. De Niro, Depp and Hanks
At their premieres, in tux and gown
While Klieg lights shine on "Tinseltown."
Did I say tinsel?  Oh, I see.
My movies were a Christmas tree;
Each star upon the highest perch.
A wonderland of dreams.   A church.

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