Tuesday, October 24, 2017


 by LaRue Watts                                                                                                                                                                             

It began to rain as we left the store
And his umbrella sheltered me.
"How are you doing?" touched my core
And I replied "I'm fine, you see,
I cope each day as best I can.
I lost my love two weeks ago."
He gasped and said "I'm sorry, man."
And I could tell he felt it, so
He put the groceries in the back
Then turned and touched my cheek.
We had a moment, looking back,
I knew we should not speak.
This kid had somehow understood
What was and is my pain.
I watched and knew his heart was good.
As he left 'mongst the rain.
There may be sadder days ahead
And that may be my lot.
But I'll recall until I'm dead.
Crying in a parking lot
And how a young man touched my heart
With one kind word or two.
That made me feel that I should start
To live again, renew.
As I drove home, the raindrops ceased.
The teardrops left my eyes.
And it was good, to say the least,
With rainbows in my skies.

Saturday, October 21, 2017


by LaRue Watts

Though Dracula and Frankenstein
Were not exactly friends of mine
And Mummies from some ancient tomb
Were seldom seen within my room,
I feared no Wolfman, Jekyll/Hyde
For they were never by my side.
And yet, that night filled me with dread
Of monsters underneath my bed
The creepy crawly unknown things
With glowing eyes and bat-like wings.
Imagination at its best
Would always give me little rest.
But now I'm grown and know instead
There are no monsters 'neath my bed.
Where they reside we all know well,
Is Washington, that living hell.
They drain our blood just like a bat.
And I do not imagine that.
The evil ones are very mean,
Appropriate for Halloween.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


by LaRue Watts

Thus far, the Fall is appalling and Christmas may be just as bad
I wish I felt less of the calling to cry and mourn over the lad.
Continue to cope, there's no need to mope, I tell myself "Let your heart sing."
And then the tears rise and fall from my eyes.  Perhaps, I'll be better by Spring.

Friday, October 6, 2017


by LaRue Watts

He was my day.
He was my night.
He was my gray.
He was my bright.
He was my wrong.
He was my right.
He was my song.
He was my sight.

He was my love.
He was my hate.
He was my shove.
He was my wait.
He was my sad.
He was my glee
He was my mad.
He was my spree.

He was my hope.
He was my peer.
He was my dope.
He was my dear.
He was my stop.
He was my start.
He was my prop
He was my heart.

He was my win.
He was my loss.
He was my sin.
He was my cross.
He was my rise.
He was my fall.
He was my eyes.
He was my all!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


by LaRue Watts

A duck and a cat went out for a walk
To just be together with no need to talk.
The silence spoke loudly though nothing was heard
For friendship and loving do not need a word.
Not a mew, not a quack, just the sound of webbed feet
And the patter of paws on the road, on the street.
But paying attention, and listening well
You may hear their hearts sing as clear as a bell.

Monday, October 2, 2017


by LaRue Watts

It wasn't a crash but more like a thud,
As if a large rock had been thrown into mud.
And as my car lurched, flipping onto it's side
It morphed to a slow-motion Disneyland ride.

I could see a small crowd outside my cocoon
A young man said "Help will be here real soon."
I gave a "thumbs up" and a smile crossed his face.
Then I waited as time moved at snail shifting pace.

Once medics, police knew what was about,
My hatchback gave birth as they pulled me out.
And back on firm ground and feeling no pain.
The skies opened up and it started to rain.

The light rain refreshed me and made me aware
That fate can be cruel but fate can be fair.
And that is the story of one piece in time,
When fate chose deliverance that I may write rhyme.