Thursday, December 8, 2016


by LaRue Watts

It is a time for love and joy
For every girl and every boy.
But why not men and women, too?
Is happiness for just the few
Who still believe in Santa Claus?
Or are there some unwritten laws
That once you pass a certain age.
You only live with hate and rage?
Adults are those forgetful souls
Who don't see toys but only coals.
And as I age, I must confess
I try and comprehend this mess...
This sadness tearing us apart...
This common woe within my heart.
Where are those joyous days gone by
When reindeer flew across the sky?
They're still attainable I know
If you and I will live as though
A peace on earth, good will to each
Are not completely out of reach.
For each mistake, we can atone
And then, in time, we will have grown. 
But not too much, I humbly pray.
Let childhood dreams still show the way
With opened eyes we see quite far,
Perhaps, to some unnoticed star.

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