Thursday, April 11, 2019


By LaRue Watts

Sometimes, I'd like to take a hike.
I can't.
The bane of my existence is a cane.

Sometimes, I'd like to ride a bike.
I can't.
It's plain that my existence is a cane.

Sometimes, I want what's out of reach.
The highest limb, the sweetest peach.
I long to climb, explore that tree
But sadly, that is not to be.
I can't.
My pain is the persistence of a cane.

Yet, there are days when I recall
Those times wherein I had it all;
That thrill of living out each day
With nothing standing in my way.
I reached for stars beyond the rain.
But, that was then, before the cane.

Am I at sea?  Are good times lost?
Sometimes, I reassess the cost,
Especially in my dreams at night
When all my wishes can take flight.
It's then I take a different stance.
Sometimes, my cane and I, we dance.

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