Saturday, August 31, 2019


by LaRue Watts

A hurricane is in the works
And hopefully, it will have perks.
It's bound to cleanse, I have no doubt
For that's what storms are all about.
It gives the earth a new direction.
I mean, of course, the next election.

Thursday, April 11, 2019


By LaRue Watts

Sometimes, I'd like to take a hike.
I can't.
The bane of my existence is a cane.

Sometimes, I'd like to ride a bike.
I can't.
It's plain that my existence is a cane.

Sometimes, I want what's out of reach.
The highest limb, the sweetest peach.
I long to climb, explore that tree
But sadly, that is not to be.
I can't.
My pain is the persistence of a cane.

Yet, there are days when I recall
Those times wherein I had it all;
That thrill of living out each day
With nothing standing in my way.
I reached for stars beyond the rain.
But, that was then, before the cane.

Am I at sea?  Are good times lost?
Sometimes, I reassess the cost,
Especially in my dreams at night
When all my wishes can take flight.
It's then I take a different stance.
Sometimes, my cane and I, we dance.

Monday, April 1, 2019


by LaRue Watts

I don't believe in Santa Claus
Or arcane civil-rights and laws.
I don't believe in sharing smiles
From loving friends across the miles.
I don't believe in goals I've set
Or care for those I've never met.
I don't believe in first-sight love
Or Godliness from up above.
I don't believe in Democrats
Or loyal dogs or picky cats.
I do believe in guns in schools.
And while I'm at it......April Fools!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


by LaRue Watts

A young man fair, I never met
And that, alas, is my regret.
For I know tales of bright young days
When he was light in many ways.
But there was darkness too, I hear,
And sadness deep within his fear,
That unknown anguish he would fight
In some attempt to give it flight.
The battle, sadly so, was lost.
And he has paid the final cost.
His life is gone, the battle done.
The stars are dim.  There is no sun.
But, we take heart, because we care
About that missing young man, fair.
His smile endures and will not cease.
His smile ensures he's found his peace.

Saturday, February 9, 2019


By LaRue Watts

I'll not align with bitter wine
This year, without a Valentine,
Instead recall that sweeter haze
When love was all, in glory days
And brightly flared that burning fire
Of earning kisses in desire.
No darkness now can conquer me.
The flame of love has set me free.
I glow.  I burn.  I soar.  I fly
Because of Valentines gone by.

Friday, January 18, 2019


by LaRue Watts

A wall can keep you safe inside.
A wall provides a place to hide.
A wall may keep a foe at bay,
A wall can host what posters say. 
But walls were meant for ivy climbing
And walls were meant to use in miming. 
So, why a wall that only states
Our land is full, there are no gates?
Why not a wall with "Have no fear,
Your tired, your poor are welcome here."
Build in an arch that opens wide
And welcomes all to come inside.
Become a wall flower, leave a mark.
Let wall weeds wither in the dark.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


By LaRue Watts

The animals had an election
To see who would lead them all
It was quite an enormous selection
Of creatures who'd heeded the call.
While many were fond of the lion,
The eagle and stallion did well.
And even the turtle was tryin'
To sell what he had in his shell.
The front runners had a debate
Which narrowed the field by a few
Who argued on matters of state
And turned it all into a zoo.

Now, animal nature is funny,
So two votes were cast for the monk
While three were assigned to the bunny,
The most voters went for the skunk.
When some species spoke of rebellion and such
Impeachment was bandied about
The owl wisely said "You're all out of touch
But I have figured it out.
And what do I say to each one of you
That some will surely find strange?
I think that the simplest thing we can do
Is pray for the winds of change."