Sunday, January 3, 2021


 By LaRue Watts 

Today, as I turn eighty,
I wish I weren't so weighty!

Saturday, November 28, 2020


The 2020 Broadway Cares Christmas ornament honors Glenn Close in her Tony winning performance as Norma Desmond in "Sunset Boulevard."

Beginning as a movie (released in 1950) directed and co-written by Billy Wilder along with Charles Brackett who also co-wrote and produced, it starred Gloria Swanson in the role of Norma which garnered her an Oscar nomination.

In the passing years, many vied to turn it into a musical (with Swanson herself having a go at it),  Then, Steven Sondheim gave it a try by writing the opening scene with libbrettist, Burt Shevelove planning it as a vehicle to star Jeannette MacDonald.  But upon discussing the work with Wilder whom he met at a cocktail party, the director  maintained that it could never be a musical but instead should be an opera, and thus, Sondheim abandoned the work.  Later, the idea was kicked around by Hal Prince to do a musical movie with Angela Lansbury as a faded musical comedy performer rather that a silent screen (star but that, too never came to fruition.

Enter Andrew Lloyd Webber and the London production directed by Trevor Nunn.  It starred Patti LuPone and received mixed reviews.  So, after a brief run, it closed for three weeks and was reworked opening again with Betty Buckley in the lead role.

Next came a  run in Los Angeles with Ms. Close creating the new and improved Norma prior to her opening on Broadway.

Ironically, the musical lost money, mainly due to a law suit filed by Ms. LuPone who maintained she had been promised the Broadway run.  The suit was settled and Ms. LuPone became a million dollars richer.  And that, as they say, is "show business."

Below is Ms. Close in the role of Norma as well as the inspired Broadway Cares ornament.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


by LaRue Watts

Three years gone 

And every dawn,

I miss him.

But, blessed night

When dreams take flight,

I kiss him.


I wait.

Friday, July 10, 2020

A Clerihew

Regarding President Trump
Who's on the political stump
I wish that he and Ivanka, 
Were living exiled in Sri Lanka.

Saturday, August 31, 2019


by LaRue Watts

A hurricane is in the works
And hopefully, it will have perks.
It's bound to cleanse, I have no doubt
For that's what storms are all about.
It gives the earth a new direction.
I mean, of course, the next election.

Thursday, April 11, 2019


By LaRue Watts

Sometimes, I'd like to take a hike.
I can't.
The bane of my existence is a cane.

Sometimes, I'd like to ride a bike.
I can't.
It's plain that my existence is a cane.

Sometimes, I want what's out of reach.
The highest limb, the sweetest peach.
I long to climb, explore that tree
But sadly, that is not to be.
I can't.
My pain is the persistence of a cane.

Yet, there are days when I recall
Those times wherein I had it all;
That thrill of living out each day
With nothing standing in my way.
I reached for stars beyond the rain.
But, that was then, before the cane.

Am I at sea?  Are good times lost?
Sometimes, I reassess the cost,
Especially in my dreams at night
When all my wishes can take flight.
It's then I take a different stance.
Sometimes, my cane and I, we dance.

Monday, April 1, 2019


by LaRue Watts

I don't believe in Santa Claus
Or arcane civil-rights and laws.
I don't believe in sharing smiles
From loving friends across the miles.
I don't believe in goals I've set
Or care for those I've never met.
I don't believe in first-sight love
Or Godliness from up above.
I don't believe in Democrats
Or loyal dogs or picky cats.
I do believe in guns in schools.
And while I'm at it......April Fools!