Tuesday, December 18, 2018


By LaRue Watts

The Christmas tree that I recall
May not have been the best.
In hindsight, it was rather small
And somewhat under dressed.
It occupied a poorer time
When I was six or seven
Yet, Grandma made it all sublime
And pretty close to heaven.
With just some glass, a box or two,
And not much more of note,
"One string of lights will have to do,"
I still can hear her quote.

My gram and I, how did we start?
By sewing popcorn strings,
With berries as another part
And chains of paper rings.
She added cookies, newly glazed
And hung them on the tree
And I was dumbstruck and amazed
By what my eyes could see.
When all, at last, was said and done,
The tree was wondrous.  And...
I knew, midst all the work and fun
Why we called Grandma, Grand!