Tuesday, July 24, 2018


by LaRue Watts

Of all the doubts I've ever had,
Of all the feeble fears,
I find but one to be so sad,
It often brings me tears.
Have I been kind and given care
To every fellow man?
Have I been thankful I could share
My maker's earthly plan?
These questions sometimes haunt my soul
And make me cease to try.
Has my life been entirely whole
Or just a passing-by?
When happiness and joy appear,
I revel where they're shown.
But still I have that saddest fear
Of meeting death alone.
And it will come one day, I know
I'll hear the reapers call.
And into that dark night I'll go,
Where sorry covers all.
So eye to eye, when I'm with him
As portals we pass through.
I plan to chide him, "Why, so grim?
Let's share a laugh or two."
If I can wrest the slightest smile,
I'll best this avatar.
Amusement's always been my style.
Now, lead me to my star.