Friday, December 29, 2017


by LaRue Watts

I won't tag it Sleepy or Bashful or Doc.
And Sneezy or Grumpy would make people talk.
Not Dopey. Too silly. It simply won't do,
So wishing what's left....Happy New Year to you!

Friday, December 22, 2017


by LaRue Watts

If it could be Christmas the whole year through,
If it could be Christmas again with you,
I'd savor each moment as it flew by
And laugh without reason nor knowing why.
I'd give till my heart could give no more
And not even question what lay in store.
With no complaints and no remorse
I'd revel in our charted course.
We lived a life so full of mirth
That it was heaven here on earth.
Now, heaven's angels, or so it seems,
Appear beside you in my dreams
They bring me a Christmas again with you
They sing me of Christmas the whole year through.
How blessed is this silent night
When you and I again take flight
With angels through uncharted skies
Where joy and Christmas never dies.