Tuesday, February 28, 2017


By LaRue Watts

As Winter's chill begins to thaw,
And stormy winds are not as raw,
My heartbeat quickens and I long
To hear that early bird in song.
I wait for buds to show that life
Will soon relieve my daily strife.
And bursting forth within my reach.
The tree will cry to me...I'm peach.
One further note within this rhyme:
Make that impeach instead of I'm.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


by LaRue Watts

If we believe that Shakespeare line,
"To thine own self be true,"
Then I am my own Valentine
And you belong to you.
But that can never, ever be
For I am you and you are me.
The two of us have surely shown
That we define "to each his own."
Thy heart and soul entwine with mine,
And we are one, my Valentine.
