Saturday, October 22, 2016


by  LaRue Watts

I'm not afraid of ghosts per say
Or evil that may come my way.
On Halloween we all assume
There will be thoughts of doom and gloom.
So witches, goblins, ghouls beware
I am not one that you can scare.
Although one thing does give a fright,
The unknown waiting out of sight.
I wake up screaming at the thought
That in a spider's web we're caught.
But, we'll survive, so hold on fast
Till this election year has passed.

Saturday, October 1, 2016


by LaRue Watts

While wide awake, each Halloween
I hoped to see an eerie scene
Of ghouls and goblins 'neath my bed,
Some spooky thing without a head.
I'd scare myself with thoughts of doom
From creaking noises in my room.
Was that a bat that just flew by?
Do spiders crawl and banshees cry?
Such questions kept me up all night
And I confess I loved the fright.
But now I'm of an age where moans
And creaks result from painful bones.
I toss and turn to get some rest
And wish for youth when I was blest
With nightmares of a fiendish sort.
But they're no more, I must report.
And that is what I miss the most -
Not having at least, the chance of a ghost.